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ChromaNanoTech's Publication on Near-Infrared Activated Dye
ChromaNanoTech LLC Jan, 2020
"Novel dye-linked zinc oxide nanoparticles (NPs) hold potential as photosensitizers for
biomedical applications due to their excellent thermal- and photo-stability. The particles produced
reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon irradiation with 850 nm near infrared (NIR) light in a concentration-
and time-dependent manner. Upon irradiation, ROS detected in vitro in human umbilical vein
endothelial cells (HUVEC) and human carcinoma MCF7 cells positively correlated with particle
concentration and interestingly, ROS detected in MCF7 was higher than in HUVEC."

BU start-up researcher named Top Millennial in Manufacturing in New York State
NC 34 Staff November 13th, 2019
There’s been a special recognition for a researcher at a Binghamton University start-up that may also be poised for explosive growth.
32 year-old Kenneth Skorenko, the Chief Technology Officer at ChromaNanoTech, has been named a Top Millennial in Manufacturing in New York State by FuzeHub.
ChromaNanoTech uses nano-particle chemistry to alter the composition of metals so that they can withstand higher temperatures and heat up more quickly.

In upstate N.Y., glimmers of a clean-tech future
Saqib Rahim September 5, 2018
When Bill Bernier heard what his graduate student had found out in the lab, he had to double-check it. The student had been studying a specific nanoparticle, and such particles could sometimes do things so odd they looked like errors.
In this case, the goal was to heat the particle by 25 or 30 degrees Celsius and see if it held up. But the student had jacked up the temperature nearly 200 degrees, and the thing was stable. "It was completely unexpected," said Bernier, a research professor at Binghamton University who worked 33 years in the semiconductor and circuit industry. "We thought something was wrong."

ChromaNanoTech receives patent #9915757
U.S. Gov. March 13, 2018
Compositions for increasing the thermal stability of optical absorbers are provided as well as methods of making and using the resulting compositions. The compositions or complexes of the present teachings generally include an optical absorber bound to a metal or a metal oxide through one or more linkers, which contain a metal binding moiety.

ChromaNanoTech could help you halve your AC costs
Hannah Schwarz March 22, 2017
In the second year of his chemistry doctorate program, Kenneth Skorenko felt he had hit a wall. He was working on a project and had to figure out how to get the dyes in nanoparticles to survive "thermal processing" — cranking up the heat on a material until it turns into a different form — but he couldn't find an answer.
"I spent a year getting nothing done on it — it was hard," he said.
And then, something odd happened.
The dye in the nanoparticle he was working with, which he had created, wasn't changing form. Not at 120 degrees Celsius — when dyes usually change form — nor at 150, 200 or 250. It took 300 degrees Celsius for the dye to transform.

With Passive Solar Cooling Systems, Researchers Are Developing New Ways To Cool Buildings
The Research Foundation February 27, 2017
The university licensed the patent-pending process and materials to ChromaNanoTech, a startup company founded by the inventors. Based in the Binghamton University Incubator, ChromaNanoTech was accepted into the START-UP NY economic development program in February, 2016.

Campus-based start-ups recipients of $750K in funding
Amy Donovan December 12, 2016
Two Binghamton University-based startup companies, Charge CCCV and ChromaNanoTech, were awarded a total of $750,000 on Nov. 30 for being finalists in the first national 76West Clean Energy Competition, a program funded by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.
The competition was announced in January 2016 by Gov. Andrew Cuomo with the purpose of creating jobs by promoting entrepreneurial endeavors in the Southern Tier, and will be held annually until 2019 to attract businesses and create jobs. This year’s competition resulted in six finalists.
Micatu, a company that focuses on advancing the capabilities of smart grids, power and navigation through optical sensor technologies, was awarded the first-place prize of $1 million. Charge CCCV received the second-place prize of $500,000 and ChromaNanoTech, along with three other companies, received $250,000 each.

An interview with William E. Bernier, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, ChromaNanoTech
Southern Tier Startup Alliance April 2016
After the SPIR grant, we received a Technology Accelerator Fund Grant (TAF) which helped us continue developing the technology in the lab here at the University. We also participated in Nexus-NY. They led us through the lean startup program which led to all these customer calls. We learned about creating a minimally viable prototype to put something in front of customers to show them what we can do. We put together appropriate budgeting and presentations to go up in front of venture capitalists and various potential corporate investors.That was all through Nexus-NY. That experience led us to a National Science Foundation SBIR grant, which we found out that we won that in December. That $150,000 grant is supporting us right now, allowing us to really kick the activities into high gear, employ some full time people and develop the technology further.
We’ve also worked with mentors from SCORE, Launch-NY, and the Southern Tier Startup Alliance. Those three organizations have provided us with advisors that have helped us every step along the way in making judicious decisions in terms of moving forward in the right order and steps with the business.

ChromaNanoTech Receives 2015 Technology Innovation Entrepreneur of the Year Award
NEXUS-NY November 13, 2015
Together with Crystal-Lyn Chemical Company, Binghamton University licensed nanotechnology to ChromaNanoTech in September, 2015. This intellectual property partnership marks the first of its kind at BU. In November 2015, ChromaNanoTech also received the 2015 Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship of the Year award, sponsored by Binghamton University, S31p (Small Scale System Packaging and Integration) Center and NYSTAR. The award included a citation from the New York State Assembly endorsed by representative Donna Lupardo.

Binghamton University licenses nanotechnology to startup ChromaNanoTech
Binghamton University September 24, 2015
Binghamton University, together with joint intellectual property owner Crysta-Lyn Chemical Company, of Binghamton, opted to license a novel platform technology to startup ChromaNanoTech for further development and introduction to the marketplace. ChromaNanoTech is designing pigments that can be tuned in a polymer hardcoat film and applied to glass, to keep out the heat out, while still allowing the visible light to shine through.

Passive Solar Technology for the Typical Home Owner
LaunchNY September 2, 2015
"ChromaNanoTech Passive solar technology is a wonderful, energy-saving treatment for windows, doors, and skylights in buildings which screens out the heat from sunlight while reducing air conditioning costs, resulting in electrical savings of up to 50%. But why doesn’t every building use it? The problem is that the materials and processing used to apply it to windows are expensive and capital intensive resulting in additional cost to windows for the treatments of about $20 per square foot."
"...What if passive solar technology could be delivered to the typical residential home owner at a price the home owner could afford, for as little as $1 per square foot, and at the same time lose none of the visible sunlight which current offerings cannot offer? ChromaNanoTech, LLC has developed a patent-pending technology that enables delivery of the lowest cost but highest quality passive solar window treatments in the industry...."

Programs help propel three start-ups from lab to market
Research Foundation August 19, 2015
"At Binghamton University’s Innovative Technology Center start-up ChromaNanoTech is also scaling up for commercial production. ChromaNanoTech uses nanomaterials to create inexpensive, heat-resistant dyes for use in various optical shielding applications. The patent-pending process for binding organic dyes to metal oxides was invented by Wayne Jones, professor of chemistry and chair of Binghamton’s chemistry department, in collaboration with Bill Bernier, a research professor of chemistry and material science and engineering, Ph.D. student Kenneth Skorenko, and industry collaborators. A 2014 TAF investment was instrumental in moving the invention through prototyping, scale-up and material qualification."

Nanotech process makes heat-resistant dyes
Research Foundation October 2, 2014
"You may have heard about the hazards posed by pranksters who shine laser pointers at airplanes during takeoff or landing. One way to keep those beams of concentrated light from blinding pilots is to incorporate a special dye in the cockpit windows, one that blocks the wavelengths of laser light while letting other wavelengths through.
Optical dyes can be used to control color and light in applications ranging from laser welding to production of sunglasses and plasma TVs. The dyes used for this purpose are often expensive; others are cheap but apt to decompose when exposed to heat."

Binghamton University becomes one of the first campuses for Start-Up NY
Matt Porter April 8, 2014
Vestal, NY (WBNG Binghamton) Binghamton University will be one of the first SUNY campuses to host high-tech businesses as part of the new Start-Up New York initiative.
Chroma NanoTech, a high-tech company born out of Binghamton University, will be one of the first to benefit from the START Up New York initiative.
Binghamton U. Identifing First Start Up Companies
Jon Harris April 13, 2014
"ChromaNanoTech, a five-person venture born out of BU not even a week ago, will likely do business at a startup suite at the Innovative Technologies Complex on Murry Hill Road later this year.
'We're considered to be the pipe cleaner - the guinea pig, whatever you want to call it - as the first entity going through the Start-Up New York at the university's site,' William Bernier, co-founder of ChromaNanoTech and a research professor at BU."

START-Up NY looks to spur economic growth in local communities
Carla Sinclair April 21, 2014
"One of the businesses applying for space is ChromaNanoTech, a chemistry materials company that began in BU’s chemistry department and is staffed by two BU professors and a graduate student. Wayne Jones, founder and chair of the chemistry department, said having a space readily available benefited the new business.
“This allows the new venture to develop without being dragged down with construction and building costs in the first year,” Jones wrote in an email. “We are very excited about this new partnership and business opportunity. Hopefully, this will be a path that other faculty and small businesses will be able to follow to help the area.”

Nanotech process makes heat-resistant dyes
Binghamton University October 3, 2014
"You may have heard about the hazards posed by pranksters who shine laser pointers at airplanes during takeoff or landing. One way to keep those beams of concentrated light from blinding pilots is to incorporate a special dye in the cockpit windows, one that blocks the wavelengths of laser light while letting other wavelengths through.
Optical dyes can be used to control color and light in applications ranging from laser welding to production of sunglasses and plasma TVs. The dyes used for this purpose are often expensive; others are cheap but apt to decompose when exposed to heat."